Finns Party chairman Jussi Halla-aho discusses Oulu sex crimes on December 20, 2018. Video includes English subtitles.
Mr Halla-aho’s speech:
“I would like now to make some comments on a recent occurrence of very disturbing child abuse in the city of Oulu. To date, there have been at least five different cases of the rape and egregious physical abuse of under-age girls in that city. The alleged perpetrators have been men who have entered Finland on humanitarian grounds.
We would not know anything about these cases if a City Councilman had not published some court documents in social media. This publication forced the police to reveal information about the case. The mainstream media outlets finally joined the reporting to save their own face – politicians, other than those from the Finns Party, kept themselves quietly ‘hiding under some rock’ for days.
It’s not known how many cases like this there have been throughout Finland because no one, in general, wants to talk about them. The reporting of hate speech and publicizing anti-immigration attitudes appear to be more important and ‘popular’ for the media and other political parties than the rape and sexual abuse of small children. This, unfortunately, shows how sick the Finnish society has become.
There’s nothing new or surprising about these revelations in Oulu. Similar occurrences have been made public for years throughout Europe. Reporters have remained silent until the very last when it was finally necessary for someone to speak – and then attempts have been made to explain the problems by pointing to a particular deranged individual. The final blame always ends up with the main, ‘native’ population – as they are accused of having failed to successfully integrate the newcomers.
The parliamentary elections are at the doorstep. In somewhat of a panic, the National Coalition, Centre and Social Democrat parties are running around with statements that “this situation cannot be tolerated” and “something must be done.” That is certainly the case – but they have a long way to go to come up with effective proposals. And the reason for that is simple: these people do not seem to be interested in Finnish security.
The Finns Party raised the subject in the Finnish Parliament and introduced an ‘interpellation’ [in Finland this is much the same as a ‘motion of no confidence’] but there was no one else interested.
The Finnish Parliament ratified the United Nations’ GCM. The Finns Party was the only party voting against ratification. The party sees that the agreement would bind Finland even more tightly to what the Finns Party believes is a dangerous immigration policy for Finland. For example, for refugees receiving asylum/residence rejection notices, detention would only be possible as a last resort. This situation would only exacerbate the possibilities for attacks such as the terrorist stabbings which occurred in the Finnish city of Turku in 2017.
A little while ago two asylum seekers whose applications had been rejected, deliberately tried to crash buses. If there’d been just a little bit less luck, or drivers and passengers little bit less alert, many people could have been killed.
The Finnish Minister of Justice has proposed raising the maximum penalties for sexual offences involving child victims – but he certainly knows and understands that this is completely ineffective in combating these crimes – the courts do not impose maximum penalties. Vice versa – the minimum penalties should be increased! The Ministry of the Interior is again proposing more aggressive expulsions – but what sense does that make if the countries of origin refuse to accept their own citizens and those getting deportation decisions cannot be detained?
It does seem that the ultimate goal of the government in this area is to come up with ways and means – for refugees who have been denied asylum status – to be able to remain in Finland – e.g. obtaining employment.
To accomplish this, Finnish government has invited Iraqi officials here to grant passports to their countrymen.
Knowledgeable people have now said that the events in Oulu are only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Only a part of these horrors comes to the attention of the police – and only a part of that will become known to the public. The ‘new normal’ is, and will be, that both women and little girls are chased and harassed on social media, in the streets and in the shopping centers.
There are now more and more people in Finland who have perceptions of women, children and physical contact that are very different from traditional Finnish ‘values’ – no amount of integration and pampering will change these attitudes.
All other Finnish political parties are committed to continuing this madness. The Finns Party have concrete, realistic and effective means to change the situation but – above all – the Finns Party has a desire to change the situation. The right to seek international protection can be a human right. But the practice of mooching, wrongly relying on others for subsistence and committing crimes is certainly not a human right. This principle must also be put in practice and not relegated to only rhetoric. We will return to these matters in the context of the immigration policy program the Finns Party will be setting out in the near future.”